Gay pride rainbow photos

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– in collaboration with Benidorm Tourism – Enjoy our best photos and our after movie of the 7th edition of Benidorm Pride in 2017 and get excited about next year’s gay pride agenda through a couple of men‘s eyes! Although the sun hid behind clouds, even some warm summer rain couldn’t stop the party mood of the people. Thousands of spectators lined up along the route gazing in amazement filming, waving, and enjoying beautifully dressed drag queens, trucks with dancers, and demonstrators waving rainbow flags. We walked together with the rainbow-colored and the fancy-dressed crowd along the popular Levante beach starting at Rincón de Loix ending at the Julio Iglesias Arena. Nothing better to combine a late Summer beach holiday staying at The Level Meliá with a Pride event on the Costa Blanca between Valencia and Alicante.

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As the last Gay Pride Event of the European Pride Agenda, the colorful LGBTQ+ festival takes place at the beginning of September. We decided to attend the colorful Gay Pride in Benidorm as part of our Summer holidays. Our Best Photos and Video of Benidorm Gay Pride Rainbow Carnival Spain – The Summer in Northern Europe seems to be over, while the South of Spain still offers temperature above 30 degrees and sunshine at the Mediterranean Sea.

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